Company Profile

Imetimex Company Profile

About imetimex Services Limited

Imetimex Services Limited is duly registered and incorporated by Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a Limited Liability Company under the Allied Matters Decree of 1990 (Formerly: Imetimex Services).

Imetimex Services Ltd. is a tall standing 100% indigenous company, it is a Sales, Installation and Repairs of Industrial Kitchen and Laundry Equipment (of European Origin) +Industrial Electrical Wiring and Industrial AC Installations Company, it has grown from a modest beginning to become a big player in the sector and has come to be known as an innovative service company capable of delivering a quality service.

Imetimex Services Ltd. works from the perspective of complete dedication and protection of industrial institutions and facilities. The Directors of the company have a well-established reputation of achieving these in their projects. With a sound resource base at our disposal and with a high powered network of goal-driven, multi-skilled team and qualified professionals, combining competence, quality, know-how and technology, we have acquired the necessary technical capability which has enabled us to undertake huge Supply, Installation and Repair Jobs/General Contracts.

Our company believes in quality services, this encompasses the business principal objectives.



To be the leading company in our chosen field of endeavour



Our values are anchored on the following:

Uncompromising integrity, honesty and fairness are at the heart of our company.

We set high standard. We apply advance technology and we continually innovate and improve. We thrive on challenge and accomplishment.
We earn a return that fairly rewards the values we deliver.
We work by our leadership covenants, which encourage openness, teamwork and trust. We value an inclusive culture based on diverse backgrounds, experience and views.
Zero accident is our unwavering goal – people’s live depend on it.
We plan and act for the future – for the long-term good of our company, our customers and our world.
We pride ourselves in being an equal opportunity employer. The only criterion for being part of our team is COMPETENCY. We don’t regard Race, tribe, language or creed


Ime Akpan, the CEO of Imetimex Services Limited, was born four decades ago in Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. He studied Business Administration in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Ekpene and graduated with Higher National Diploma (HND).

Ime Akpan began his career as a Sales Manager with Arbon Limited Where he gathered his experience in the area of Industrial Kitchen, Bakery, Coldroom/Refrigeration, Laundry and Dry-cleaning Equipment business.

In 2008, he established Imetimex Services which later became Imetimex Services Limited in 2014.

Married in 2009 to Mrs. Georgina Akpan, a Laboratory Scientist and the marriage is blessed with three Children 2348033157608 & +2348098157608



Our company’s products are strongly recommended by Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (SPDC) and other Multinational Companies without any compromise to quality as there are lots of sub-standard in the Nigerian Market (CHINA MADE).

We have a good technical Team that guarantees sound Installation/maintenance of our Equipment also will educate the users on how the equipments are being used before handing over to our client to assure good usage together with good After-Sales-Service.




We have taken it as an obligation to enhance the lives of those around us, and as such, for a mutually beneficial understanding and relationship to exist among the host community and the company, IMETIMEX SERVICESLTD.,

- Recognize the host community where and when necessary - Uphold a very open and effective communication system with host community. - Follow established client / Government policy and laws on community affairs - Promote dialogue in all conflicts resolution strategy and problem solving. - Ensure strict adherence to established guidelines on community relations.


In maintaining health, safe and efficient working conditions for its employees, recognizes the fact that IMETIMEX SERVICESLTD working under the influence of alcohol or drug or taking alcohol/drug during work may pose serious Health and Safety risk not only to the use that but also to those who work with him.

The possession, use, abuse or sale of alcohol or illegal drug is strictly prohibited. The company recognizes that it's safe and efficient production depends largely upon the physical and mental health of its employees.

To achieve this objective, it is the policy of our company to carry out pre-employment screening designed to prevent hiring individuals who use illegal drugs or individuals whose use of illegal drug or alcohol indicates a potential for impaired or unsafe job performance. Alcohol and drug audits shall also be carried out at all sites from time to time.

Where prescribed drugs which temporarily affect the physical and / or mental condition of a worker is required to be taken as prescribed by a doctor, a free work day shall be permitted to allow for full recovery before such workers is called back for duty. The co-operation of all workers and management co-operation is required to bring this policy to success.


IMETIMEX SERVICES LTD has adopted a policy absolutely prohibiting the use, possession, or sale or illegal drugs, intoxicating beverages and/or controlled substances or firearms on any Company premises. “Controlled substances are any illegal drugs will not be allowed anywhere on or in land, building structures, installations, structures, installations, vehicles, aircraft, or watercraft owned, leased or used by the Company on any offshore installation.The term is used, in its broadest sense and covers all owned leased or initialized equipment and property and any customer's facilities.

To enforce this policy, IMETIMEX SERVICESLTD has reserved the right to inspect any person, place or thing on company premises and intends to exercise that right without prior announcement other than this letter searches on Company facilities, including locked desks and other areas provided to you, may be conducted at any time with or without your permission. Reasonable searches of individuals, vehicles and personal effects will be limited to searches of individuals, vehicles, and personal effects will be limited to searches with your permission.

However, if permission is denied, the items, vehicles, and/or individuals will be denied entry to the premises. This policy has been adopted and will be enforced in the interest of providing each employee a healthy and safe place in which to work.

Your understanding and cooperation during inspections will be greatly appreciated and should help minimize the inconvenience these inspections may cause. Individuals found in violation of this policy are subject to discharge, immediate removal from Company premises and if warranted, reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

Your active support will aid IMETIMEX SERVICES LTD continuing effort to provide the best and safest possible working environment.


SHE management committee is set up to monitor deliberate on and improve SHE activities and overall performance. This committee membership is drawn from the management and key staff.

The committee membership presently includes

Managing Director (Chairman)• Technical Manager• Manager, Marine Services• Manager Operation / Training• Quality Control Engineer• Administrative Manager• SHE Officer Committee (Secretary)•


In accordance with appropriate and required safety practices safety meeting will be conducted on a regular bases. Each meeting strictly follow a set agenda, which vital discussion and made on issue relating to Accident/Incident Prevention, training and appropriate lesson learned from previous incident. Important safety tip is communicated to the workforce so that they can participate and contribute effectively in improving safety, health and environment.

Meeting can be conducted by safety officer or any personnel by appoint and Records is also made and attendant taken. This is mandatory to all IMETIMEX SERVICES LTD.

• SAFETY TRAINING All new personnel’s of whatever status on resumption of job will report for safety training.• The HR shall direct newly employ personnel to appropriate dept for safety training conduct SHE.• The safety officer shall give orientation.• This is a major criteria before a personnel is allowed to work in any of our site,•


All forms of unsafe act or unsafe condition should be reported to supervisor, leadsmen that will inform appropriate quarters for immediate action. It is every personnel responsibility to assist in the identification and reporting of unsafe Act or condition. If the worksite is unsafe or personnel’s are exposed to unsafe condition, work should be stopped and reviewed before work commences again.


IMETIMEX SERVICES LTD shall implement a malaria policy that will educate its employees and anyone engaged in its employ on temporary status on the awareness of the disease and the seriousness of its infection. The company will expose its staff to the preventive measures to be taken to reduce mosquito bites and the appropriate use of Anti-malaria drugs for effective treatment of the disease.

IMETIMEX SERVICES LTD will ensure that employees are immune for malaria diseases that are common to the region it operates. In cases of none immune employees are suffers of the disease the company will ensure adequate tests are carried out to diagnose the patient and advice client accordingly. Our program shall include but not limited to the following:

Create effective awareness campaign of the disease.• Steps to prevent mosquito bites and water borne parasites.• Recommended and approved use of Anti malaria drugs and therapy • Encourage early diagnosis and treatment for suspected infection.•

The use of ATESUNATE and any other recommended Anti-malaria drugs will be used by respective non-immune employees through laboratory testing or other means acceptable to our client.


However, appropriate procedures and measure are in place to eliminate accident and environmental but if such occasions present itself an emergency may occur. It is appropriate for each personnel to know the safety last line of action.


1. Accident must be reported immediately to the site supervisor and/or the SHE officer. It can be verbal on initial notice. Client must be notified when on client site. 2. All necessary Assistance must be rendered to injured parties at the site to avert further risk to live or images of property. 3. Fact well report of event surrounding an accident shall be given to the site safety officer or other company representative on investigation of the accident. 4. Report should be submitted within 24HRS.


1. On sighting fire, the worker shall calmly raise Alarm and Signal. 2. DON'T PANIC OR CREATE PANIC. 3. If within your ability attack with available fire extinguisher but if not possible. 4. All personnel should execute area and move to muster station on reaching the muster station, personnel auditing will be conducted by the safety officer on site or supervisor.


1. On sighting a person fall over board:- (a) The observer shall calmly raise alarm by shouting man over board. (b) Try to keep the man on sight and point to him. (c) Activate the manual alarm point and return and keep an eye contact with the person.


First aid can mean difference between life and death in event of an accident. Administration of first aid treatment to a victim of accident, pending the attention of a doctor, is therefore importance.

First Aider must have knowledge of the following:

- Kiss of life to restore breath (i.e. mouth to mouth or mouth to noise) - Heart message - Before embarking on kiss remember to check the lips and mouth of the victim for foreign materials, poisonous substance or false teeth - In case of severe bleeding, scalds and burns know the steps to take. - In case of Electrical shock, remember to switch off supply before any action.


Taking short cuts and by-passing safety rules is highly prohibited.

1. Horse Play Destructing, abusing, teasing throwing materials and tools, practical jokes, shouting and making disturbance mainly to cause trouble attract severe penalty and suspension. iii. Smoking Allowed only in designated areas, enquire from appropriate authority for locations. 1. Use of Drugs, Medicines and Alcohol Personnels should abstain from Drugs and Alcohol on or out of site to avoid endangering themselves or other personnel. 1. Improper use of hand and other parts of the body, is unsafe, then personnels are warned. - Gripping objects insecurely - Using hand instead of tools - Kicking instead of carrying - Taking unsafe posture etc


In order to eliminate and prevent accident good housekeeping is importance to all work areas for many accidents can be caused as a result of poor housekeeping. Keep work sites/ways free from all forums of Debris Oil, Chemical, metal object or any form of obstructions.


All accident and near-miss in our operation shall be promptly reported to the immediate supervisor, safety officer and workshop manager who shall make immediate investigation, ascertain cause and make recommendation to prevent re-occurrence.

1. All accidents reported shall be forwarded to SHE management committee for review. 2. The root cause shall be identified to enable lessons to be learned, so as to prevent re-occurrence. 3. Reports of the investigation will be published and made available to our client. 4. The findings and recommendations shall be discussed at the various safety meeting for experience and the preventions of re-occurrence of similar accident. Accident and Incident reporting form always available on site.


v This can be sub divided into the following groups:- (a) Chemical hazards:- hazardous substances like just, vapors, gases, mist and liquids. (b) Physical hazards: This includes raise, vibration, and heat cold, ultraviolet, and ionizing ratification. (c) Biological Hazards: Examples of this substances are bacteria, viruses, malaria, fleas, leeches snakes bites.

PREVENTION & CONTROL IMETIMEX SERVICES LTD shall institute proper use of appropriate PPE on handling of these substances. Information and instruction regarding handling of this material shall be put in place.

Personnel are advised to use stipulated control measure and procedures when working with or storage of these substance and contact appropriate quarters when abnormal situation is notice.


At regular intervals and prior to using any equipment for work, it must be thoroughly inspected for its fitness and safety checks and ensures that; 1. All portable tools are free of cracks, jets and any other visible damage. 2. Plays, cable insulation, cooling and vents are in good condition. Check that the tool is double insulated and is protected by earth leakage circuit breaker or securely earthed. 3. Welding machines are well insulated; electrode holders, cable terminals and earth clamp are in good condition. 4. All belts, pulleys and dangerous moving parts are properly guarded. 5. All compressors are well connected and guarded. 6. Switches are safe and are properly located to prevent accidental operation, basically switch off if not use.


Every Job starts with permit and ends with permits. That is obtaining of permit from Appropriate Authority and closing of the permit after completion of the day Bask. There are different kinds of permit, but we basically address the following;

1. GENERAL WORK PERMIT (COLD WORK) This permit is required in the following areas - Any work that does not give rise to a source of ignition. - Pressure testing - Lifting - Painting / Claiming etc. (ii) HOT WORK PERMIT Hot work permit is required in the following jobs * Welding * Grinding * Any work that involves ignition source etc.


Is only required on event of carrying out task inside vessel, tanks or confined space which content stored are flammable / combustible liquid gasses and toxic gasses etc.


1. All employees involved in electrical operation must be on their personal protection equipment (PVC Gloves) 2. All cables must be properly insulated and in good shape. 3. Ensure that fuses with proper rating are used in all plugs. 4. Totally insolate any systems or location where electrical work is to be executed. 5. In this unlikely event any electrical shocks, de-energize systems immediately before approaching victim


1. Cylinder must be approved before usage in our operation. 2. They must be protected from cracks abrasions and excessive temperature and as such it be hanged above ground level. 3. They must not strike each other 4. The content must be cabalist. 5. Cylinders must not be rolled or pushed but moved only on trolleys.


Most of the occupational injuries result from material handling i.e. lifting, moving from one place to another. The commonest ones being spines, strains, fractures etc. Below are the rules for lifting


1. Wear your necessary PPE especially hand gloves. 2. Check the splinters, grease etc to avoid cut or slips iii. Keep your back straight and tuck in your chin. 1. Plant your feet firmly, one foot slightly forward of the other putting into use leg muscles. 2. Bend your knees; keep your elbows as close as possible to the side of the body. 3. Lift smoothly, don't jerk and keep load close to your body.


1. All slings ropes and other lifting gears must be duly certified suitable for operation by a recognized independent inspector. Inspections shall be documented, dated and signed. 2. All slings, cranes and other lifting gears shall be appropriately marked with rated safe working loads (SWL) iii. All slings must be stored away from weather effect. 1. They must be hung on wall hooks in groups, according to rated capacity. 2. Frayed and or blinked slings must be taken out of use and discharged. 3. Rusty or corroded sling must never be used vii. Hooks and sling showing signs of localized wear and fatigue must be taken out of service as soon as detected. viii. Ropes and sling with broken strands are dangerous to the user. 1. All lifting gear must be inspected regularly in accordance with relevant statutory regulation. SCAFFOLD All Scaffold erected for whatever purpose should be constructed base on recommended rules/regulation guiding such erection


1. Scaffolding Safety checklist 2. Access to the scaffold must be by the ladder provided iii. It must be certified and tag place at the access point “FIT FOR USE” 1. Any modification should be with agreement of the Erector and Inspector.


It is necessary to observe the following safety procedure. - Hold unto the net with arms looped through the rigging with feet evenly placed between section of the net. - Personnel on this agreement are therefore required to wear hard hats and flotation aid when making transfers. - Lightweight transfers and luggage objects in the basket during personnel transferred. - Personnel to be transferred must stand on the footpad on the outside of the net facing inwards.


(i) All vehicles and equipment must undergo regular maintenance checks and must be in good working condition. Any defect detected the vehicles must not be used. (ii) All light vehicles must be fitted with seat belt (iii) All vehicles must have spare tires, signal triangles, fire extinguisher, first aid boxes and complete particular. (iv) Vehicles brakes, trafficators, lights etc. must be functional. A safest Worker prize is given out as judged by the company SHE committee.


The aim of this incentive scheme is to reward and encourage safety conscious personnel and motivate other who falls short of standards to strive to achieve more. On yearly basis, the following are observed in the company Accident Free personnel's are reward.

Job Profile

Our company’s products are strongly recommended by Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (SPDC) and other Multinational Companies without any compromise to quality as there are lots of sub-standard in the Nigerian Market (CHINA MADE).

Since our company was incorporated, it has done several Jobs for multinational companies like: SPDC Coop. West, SAP Drilling Oil and Gas Ltd., Vam Onne Nig. Ltd., Frontier Oil Nigeria Ltd., Accor Hotels Ltd (Novotel Hotels Ltd.), Nestoil Plc., Nigerian Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd., etc and other privately owned companies like: Margret Restaurant, Relish Fastfoods Ltd, Charkins Maritime Limited, Uncle Jay’s Smoothies Ltd, City Crown Hotels Ltd, M & N Laundry and Drycleaning Ltd., Entry Point Hotels Ltd., Glajoe Laundry and Drycleaning Ltd., Mac-Hence Ltd., Ai-Abadikwu Investment Ltd., Lee Engineering & Construction Company Ltd. Fenog Nigeria Ltd., S.J. Abed General Enterprises Ltd., Vallourec Nig. Ltd., Hotel Presidential, Monty Suites, Belema Oil Nigeria Ltd., Villa Marina Hotels, JJ Mas Hotel & Suites to mention but a few.


Contact Us

7 Eastern Bye-Pass Road opp. St. Patrick Hospital off Ogbunabali Road,

Port Harcourt, Rivers State.


+2348033157608, +2348098157608, +234-84-784524

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